Monday, 4 June 2007

Increasing the male libido - aphrodisiac 's

There are a few things a man can do when you get older to keep your pecker up.
This can be especially useful if you know your gonna be getting a lot of sex and you
may like to make the most of the opportunity.

Here is a list of things you can do to improve your libido and maybe sustain all night ( or day)
this have been proven and the women have begged me to give them regular sex.
Note this will make you way more than the average joe, you will become super Joe. hehehe
points out of 5 for effectiveness

Drink less alcohol 1
Excercise - improve your circulation 2
Ginseng 1
Horny Goat Weed 1.5
Tribulus 3
Zinc 3
Red Meat 1.5
2 Hot Girls 4
Angelina Jodie 5

Havent Tried Viagra yet... anyone comment on this?

1 comment:

Daniela Theresa said...

aphrodisiac foods can really increase your libido and have a better sex with your partner.