Friday 25 July 2008

Does Meeting Women Depend on Location?

Yes it does,
Although many people say you can meet women anywhere and this is true to a extent.
There are places where your chances are greatly improved.

These are:

Holiday Locations in High Season
Common ones for europe include: Ibiza, Greek Islands, Cyprus, Majorca

Tourist Hot Spots at Central London

South Coast of England especially Brighton and Bournemouth


I would say you will find women looking and ready to meet you in these locations.

School of Seduction

For a period in my life I had problems with meeting girls.
It took a year or so of work, I looked for all resources I could find on the internet, amazon, asking people I know about things I can do to improve my chances of meeting women. Over time I learned a few things.
I read lots of stuff and questioned girls and girlfriends of friends what I could do to help improve my chances with hot women. It didn't really help much at all.
However there were a few good resources I stumbled on,
this will save you time wading through poor info if I list information that helped me.

Going out and talking to women - might sound obvious but if you can overcome your fear then this is the most productive thing you can do.
If you cant do this yet then the following resources will help
London School of Seduction (LSS) - A secret group of guys that help guys
The Layguide - by Tony Clink - All good seducers have a copy - Other slightly aimed more for U.S. audience guys write 'field reports' of their experience picking up women , vitally useful
The Game - Neil Strauss - Story about guys picking up women (PUA's)
Gunwitch Direct Game method
David DeAngelo
Manic High pickup guide
Steve Piccus (steve P)

Information that I either gave up using or didnt work (this info may still be useful to other people just not me)

Ross Jeffries speed seduction (with the exception of his unstoppable confidence audios - they are good)
Major Mark Cunningham
Dave M Insider Internet Dating

Shaping up with Fitness

The last post does what it says on the tin ie pack on muscle fast.
This post is about shaping and toning the body.
So how can we do that easily simply and effectively.

The main way is by Swimming, Swimming is one of the best all round exercises.
The benefits are endless.
By swimming you will shape your body into a natural and proportionate shape.
There will be slight emphasis on chest back and shoulders but this goes in line with
the classic V shape torso look.

The other area of fitness that is worth looking into is Weight training following a
disciplined plan this will be more difficult to implement but the results will be better.
I recommend to follow a proven plan that is already out there.
E.G Bill Phillips body for life
OR for the more advanced (drug assisted) something like the Arnold Level 1 workout programme (from his enclyclopedia of modern bodybuilding).

I will continue this in the future.

Friday 4 July 2008

Do you want to pack on muscle fast? Here's how

There is one exercise that pushes the exertion levels of the human body to its limit,
this exercise is the squat, if you truly want to pack on loads of muscle fast then you
need to squat.

Start with 3 sets 12-20 reps once per a week , this should only take you 20 mins to do.

After a few weeks you should be able to have about 30 - 40 kg on the bar, your first aim is to complete the reps:

Set 1 12 - 20 reps
Set 2 12 - 20 reps
Set 3 12 - 20 reps

You will get more muscular and grow with just this one exercise!
Your appetite will increase to match the level of your increased metabolism
Your muscles will grow!

Detox Continued

For those of you that have read the early posts of my blog you may remember I mentioned detox, well the first detox was so tiresome that I never finished it, if anyone wonders what one I did it was Dr Natura Colonix, this was expensive the main benefits I got was a reduced stomach and clear skin (my skin was slight acne not much).

After a awful computer job sitting at desk all day and eating a lot of fried breakfasts drinking lot of black coffee and taking a lot of painkillers, antibiotics for various coughs colds etc I decided I was feeling really run-down and generally no energy, my doctor was even diagnosing me with asthma ( that although I had breathing problems I did not have asthma ever in my life) so I did another detox

I tried Natures Secret Ultimate Cleanse.
Reason I went for this one is you just take 6 tablets in morning and before bed Simple!
No brewing of Tea or mixing powders like the last one, lets face it most of us have busy lives and this one was ideal.
This is what happened:

Day 1 -- no feeling
Days 2- 5 -- Headache, runny nose, cough, runny eyes had to lie down all day every day

Days 5-7 -- Headache and coughing up green mucus / phlegm tiredness

Now these symptoms are the toxins being released from your body and any phlegm needs to be coughed up and not swallowed to expel from your body.

By day 7 I had to stop as I could not really carry on with day to day tasks too well.

I came off for 3 days then went back on.

The next few days were headaches and slight tiredness but mucus was clear.

I have not completed the whole course however some effect I have noticed are as follows:

1)Increased awareness of good and bad foods , eg burger king creates clear mucus in back of my throat, fresh salad does not
2) Flatter stomach
3) Weight loss of 4 kg over a 3 week period ( I was still exercising and started to eat more healthy on the detox)
4) More energy
5) Clearer skin
6) No hay fever symptoms
7) the asthmatic symptoms and breathing troubles went

Overall the detox itself can be difficult to do but the results are worth it.

So I recommend this product.

Summer and Meeting Women - LOTS of THEM part 1

I have 2 friends they are both single and one of them has only ever had one relationship in his entire life, he is of bengali upbringing, and in this culture they
1) cover up their women
2) men talk to the men mostly

This friend of mine has also enjoys the company of women , and is not really a strict bengali/muslim, you could say he is 'westernised'.
i.e. he enjoys the company of tall big breasted blonde women ( dont we all??)
However his skills are well below par the main issue he has is just going up approaching and talking to women.

Therefore I am going to cover this area here, meeting and talking to women is the first step to getting women into your life.

A bar , pub or social place is a good setting to start off with.
Since alcohol also helps the women loosen up and become more sociable to you.
The stuff in brackets is optional and the slashes show what the response may be

Walk into the pub and go upto any girl at the bar an say:

would you know where club x is? I'm not from around here I am meant to be meeting a few of my friends,I'm kinda lost."

Girl: replies "yes its over there..../er umm / no"

At this point she may choose to ask you some stuff if she is interested like
"where you from" , "have a drink with us/me" etc. this is definite showing she interested. if you do not get this response do not worry you will improve with practise.

You: Ah that's great maybe ill see you in there later, come an say hi and we can catch a drink together (on me)

Make sure you repeat the same lines to plenty of women in the bar or pub this will get you accustomed to talking to women and just approaching women, it is also good practise. To other people in the bar it seems as though you know a lot of people and to the women they will automatically become more interested in you.

This is a good exercise to do if your not used to talking and approaching women cold.

Do not worry about finding other stuff to say as most women like to talk and their favourite subject is talking about themselves. So when you get started you may well find your the first guy that has approached that girl in a while and she becomes very receptive to you.

This happened to me on one occasion and this particular girl has made effort to keep in touch with me over time all from a brief encounter in a pub.